| Experiment designs (ANOVA, t-test, limma,...) |  | Question |  | How do I set-up my analyzis for different experiment designs? | Answer | The general framework for statistical tests in Qlucore Omics Explorer is flexible enough to handle many experiment designs. In this document, How to use ANOVA in Qlucore Omics Explorer F_1.pdf we will cover the following examples: • Paired data: Each subject has received two different treatments • Multiple treatments: Several subjects that each has received several treatments • Multiple treatments with before and after: Several subjects have received a number of different treatments. For each subject and each treatment there is a sample taken before the treatment and a sample taken after the treatment.
The FAQ Anova in Qlucore describes similar issues but addressed from an ANOVA terminology aspect. It might be useful to ready through both FAQs. The ANOVA FAQ also introduces a method on how to decide what type of ANOVA model that best matches your experiment. | Related articles | | Back to Search Results |