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License Server not found
Qlucore Licenses
Date Created
2009-05-28 09:40:44
Date Updated
2024-07-04 10:07:57
Why can Qlucore Omics Explorer not find the license server?
If you have been able to access the license server before, you should first try restarting your computer because the problem can be related to your network.

If this is the first time you try to access the license server, it can be because of how it has been configured in your environment.

Please verify that the firewall on the computer running the client (Qlucore Omics Explorer or Qlucore Insights) allows traffic on port 6200.

If this does not help, please submit a specific support question and we will help you. Please check the FAQ question "License Server Troubleshooting" to see what kind of information we normally need to help you with your problem.

The latest license server and documentation can be downloaded from www.qlucore.com/downloads if you have access rights. Contact your contact person at Qlucore if you are unsure.
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